When the patient is aggressive (stage 1 & 2), hold them tight so they can’t be aggressive and talk to them about Good Memories and tell them you love them. (They may need depression medication during this period, be sure to consult their Doctor). Don’t let them wear hard shoes, they will kick you.
Make all projects, bathing, putting on make-up, cutting and washing their hair, cutting finger and toe nails an enjoyable experience
When patient has to be fed don’t try to eat at the same time. Just feed the patient and talk with them. (Make it a fun project)
Show pictures of family, explaining who they are, etc. every day.
Remember you have to make all decisions for the patient without asking any questions
Let patient use only one bathroom; this will be less frustrating to the patient
Don’t give pain medicine such as aspirin, Advil, etc. that will cause upset stomach and/or ulcers. (Always consult the patient’s Doctor)
Give medicine at specific time of day. If patient has had side effects from medications give it in the evening. Give medicines only at breakfast and evening and before bedtime. Give medicine with milk product to prevent side effects.
Always talk to patient’s doctor on all pills and which ones that can be discontinued
Read Mount Sinai newsletter on Alzheimer’s. It will come to you monthly
When taking patient to the doctor, write up answers to all questions the doctor will ask such as:
1. Medicines taken, plus times; any side effects.
2. Blood pressure and weight of patient
3. General demeanor of patient
4. List of all questions you have for doctor
5. Need’s you have like new prescriptions. Give a copy of this information to the doctor prior to the appointment. Don’t go over this write up with the patient.
Keep a record of any side effects from food or medicine.
Plan ahead of future problems and purchase needed items prior to the existence of the problem.
Always have a loving and caring relationship with the patient. Tell the patient that we need to take care of each other
Always maintain a positive attitude
Continue to analyze and better your capabilities as a caregiver.
Remember that the patient is a gift from heaven and to always keep your promises