Never raise your voice to the patient (no cursing or scolding)
Organize everything for the patient
Train yourself – the patient isn’t trainable
Do the same tasks at the same time everyday
Develop menu on weekly basis. Make sure all meals are balanced and caloric intake for preferable weight.
Always help the patient conduct the task; otherwise it will frustrate the patient
Always talk about family and show pictures to the patient DAILY
Help the patient remember all “the good times”
Have soothing music playing during the day
Never turn down bed in daytime – only when it is time for patient to go to bed
Always plan for unexpected changes, such as incontinence, lack of mobility, not knowing people or how to conduct a task like bathing, toilet, brushing teeth, shaving, putting on makeup etc.
Make all meals look appetizing and have a flower (Rose) at the ladies place :-)
Keep everything clean all the time – never leave a room un-straightened
If you leave the patient for a few minutes or an hour always say I will be back in a few minutes or something similar. Always say the same thing every time you leave. When you return always greet the patient with See I told you I would be back in a few minutes.
Never, never leave soiled depends, etc. on patient and always wash patients after a bladder or bowel movement. Then apply Cetaphil, (or other form of lotion on them). Put on a new Depend.
Don’t ask questions when the patient can’t interpret what you are asking
Make patient laugh as much as possible during the day
When the patient cries, console them by holding them and tell them they are loved – talk about "Good Memories".