Martha Loved Her Pearls! : Memory Walking








Honor A Caregiver

Martha Loved Her Pearls!

by Clarence Davan on 09/07/11

Martha had many different kinds of necklaces; however, she always wanted to wear pearls.

We did considerable traveling with our company Davan Consulting International; Martha was the president and traveled with me most of the time.

During our travels we would purchase pearls at various places. Many of the pearls were special to the country we were visiting. Martha really enjoyed shopping for pearls and I never discouraged it because pearls were cheaper than diamonds. She never missed a day wearing pearls, except the few days she spent in the hospital. Martha had one of her favorite sets of pearls on at her funeral.

When I met Martha; I said, "I am going to marry her"! She was like a pearl to me; a valuable treasure that needed no polishing or cutting by man. That comes to us complete and lustrous created by God through nature.

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it."                                   Matthew 13: 45-46 

Comments (1)

1. Rhonda said on 9/12/11 - 10:26AM
As always, a beautiful blog. Thank you for sharing that.

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