Pulse Rate - Tells us so Much!
by Clarence Davan on 02/04/11
Again, thanks to all who have called and written heartfelt condolences on our website. The support is very much appreciated!
The BIG question that often always comes up is: "Does the Alzheimer's patient realize what is going on around them?"
Martha was unable to comprehend any questions and could not speak in her final stage 3. Her vitals were critical and deteriorating on Dec. 15th, 2010. I had decorated Martha's private room at the nursing home for Christmas. We, the Davan family, decided to push Christmas exchange from Dec 25th to Dec 19th. She was kept warm with her Christmas blanket that Aunt Marlis gave her many years ago. The entire Family gathered at Mom*s bedside for Christmas exchange on Sunday Dec. 19, 2010.
I took Martha's pulse before the family arrived, it was 55. After they all were there, I talked to Martha, just like I always did and told her about each and every one of the Kids and Grandkids. They were talking and laughing, eating snacks; just like we always did at Christmas - I decided to take Martha's pulse again; it was up to 85!
This message was very clear to all of us that Martha knew what was going on; however, could not express her emotions in any other way than her pulse. These moments are irreplaceable and priceless!
Alzheimer's patients should always have interactions with people- because they do understand!